I Will be Interviewed on a US East Coast TV News Program Tomorrow Sunday Feb. 24 (Sat. 2/23 US time)
2月23, 2013
I will be interviewed on Gary Franchi’s program
I will be on an US East Coast TV news program being interviewed about issues concerning the differences between Japan and the USA dealing with gun control, expatriation, immigration, the economy and the view of the United States from here across the Pacific on Sat. 2/23 6 pm & 11 pm EST. (Japan time 8 am & 1pm Sunday, 2/24.) The interview starts at about the half way mark of the show and continues for a good 15 minutes.
明日、2月24日, (日) 午前8:25~再び13:25~見てください: http://usmediavault.com/stream.php?s=whdt